When you are ready to raise capital, acquire a business, carry out structured financing, or undertake other complex transactions, Waymark will help you through the accounting and reporting challenges and understand the outcomes. Waymark has expertise and experience with the most complex business deals and our work has been audited by all Big 4 accounting firms.
Asset-backed securitizations
Convertible notes, preferred stock, common stock, warrants, safe notes, embedded puts and calls
45Q, carbon capture, new markets
Business and asset acquisitions, reverse mergers
Show investors the impact of significant acquisitions, divestitures, and financings
Pursue a sale or spin-off of a portion of your business
In addition to supporting complex transactions, Waymark will keep your accounting and finance records and reports ready for stakeholder reporting with the following services customized to meet your needs:
Be ready for any M&A opportunity with clear and accurate financial information, from high-level summaries to granular reports and disclosures that are due-diligence ready.
Our mission is to empower operational and strategic decision making to help businesses and nonprofits grow... because when businesses and nonprofits grow our communities grow too!
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